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Iceland Tour

Mývatn is an area in the north of Iceland bursting with geological richness.

Centred around a shallow lake of the same name, Mývatn is an active volcanic area with a landscape that continues to be formed with unusual twists. As one of the few wetland areas in Iceland, water and lava combine at Mývatn with astounding effects.

Walk over still-warm lava fields towards surreal landscapes, hike through unique shapes formed from underwater lava and inspect huge fissures in the earth’s crust. Swim in sublime natural pools and explore bubbling mud pots, steaming vents and basalt columns with acoustic powers.

There’s no town as such at Mývatn, just a collection of hotels and a few services. But, it’s a great base on an Iceland trip to explore a unique area and enjoy several great day trips to nearby attractions.

Here are some great things to do in Mývatn, Iceland.


Pseudo craters are strange looking natural formations resembling giant pimples in the earth’s crust. They are formed when hot lava flows over a wetland and boils the water. The steam created from this process caused explosions which created clusters of pseudo craters.

The pseudo craters at Lake Mývatn were formed 2,300 years ago and are some of the largest in the world.

The best way to see the pseudo craters is to take the path around the Skútustadagígar Pond. It’s around one hour of easy walking and visits the most interesting of the Mývatn pseudo craters. It’s also a lovely stroll with great views of the lake.


Kálfaströnd is a farm with marked walking routes through a birch forest with interesting lava formations. It’s a great spot to experience the unique and diverse landscape around the Mývatn area.

The 2.1-kilometre circuit should only take around 35 minutes. The trail is very easy to follow and includes several secluded spots for a scenic picnic

Kálfaströnd is a great destination for bird watching as a prime habitat for Harlequin, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Golden Plover and plenty of ducks.

kalfastrond farm myvatn


Dimmuborgir is a perfect example of the bizarre landscapes in the Mývatn area formed by the unique geological conditions. High pillars of lava in strange formations typify one of the most interesting lava fields in Iceland.

The area was formed when a 2-kilometre pool of molten lava eventually drained into Lake Mývatn. When steam from the boiling water percolated through the lava flow, it cooled into the shapes you see at Dimmuborgir today.

Due to the way these lava structures are formed, this phenomenon is usually found under the ocean. Mývatn is the only place where you can see them on dry land.

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